Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Nice to meet you!

So here is my blog devoted to my attempt to be a Children's Ministry Director. I currently serve part time at a small church (about 160 on Sunday Mornings) in South Bend Indiana.  Our Children's Ministry is booming! We average about 5 pregnant women at any given moment, and we have about 50 kids under 1st grade who attend. I'm fairly new at this gig, but I've had a lot of other experience. What's that? You want to hear about it all? With pictures? WELL OK!

Well I've been working with children in ministry since I was 14, when I started as a camp counselor. Through the years I advanced through the ranks and ended up working a number of my adult years as an Assistant to the Camp Director. I enjoyed the more administrative part of this job and was sad to say goodbye to it not long after I became a mom. I met my husband and my best friend at this job, and continue to serve on the board of the camp.

That's me with the blonde hair and black jacket and jumping like a crazy person.
Now I am married to a 3rd grade teacher, and have two incredibly sassy  beautiful children. Lucy is 5 and started Kindergarten this year. Leon is one, and has already learned to scale furniture and open gates. I also do a bunch of other stuff.

I work another very part time job as an administrative assistant for a local ministry. It just so happens to be where my best friend also works and possibly the best part is spending my Tuesdays drinking coffee in our shared office. 

Carrie (the BFF) and I 

I also volunteer for a few things...because ya know...I've got a ton of time on my hands...

I've helped plan a couple events. I currently am on the executive staff of 3DYC, which is a Christian Youth Conference that runs at the end of December. I enjoy working closely with super creative types and flexing my admin muscles. I also get to work with some pretty good people. 

That might be Carrie again...are you sensing a theme in my life?

I ALSO run a craft bazaar for a local school's PTO. It's one of the largest in the area and I make things to sell there too. I'm not sure why I still do this, mostly because I'm crazy. 
I can neither confirm nor deny that Carrie sells crafts with me at this bazaar too...
I think that's it...for real this time. Does that seem like a lot to you? It is, you should see my is far from clean...

But I would consider my main job to be Children's Ministry. I've enjoyed the freedom to combine my creativity and organizey..(totally a word) in something I'm passionate about. So if you'd like to follow my journey then you can follow my blog, or follow me around but that might get weird eventually. I'll share events I put on, curriculum I write, and struggles I have. Here's a taste of some events so far this school year:

No follow me on the adventure!

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